How do I set up data exchange in 1C between accounting and management configurations?

Exchanging data between 1C databases is an important process for many companies that use multiple configurations to manage their business processes. One of the most common types of exchange is the data exchange between accounting and management configurations. Below we will look at how to set up this type of exchange correctly.

Setting up an exchange between 1C databases

To set up a data exchange between the accounting and management configurations, you need to perform several steps:

Determining the type of data exchange and selecting the mechanism

The first step in setting up a data exchange between 1C configurations is to determine the type of exchange and the choice of mechanism. To do this you need to decide what data will be exchanged between configurations and how often it will occur. Depending on these factors, you can select one of several mechanisms that are supported in 1C.

If data needs to be exchanged between different 1C databases, a universal data exchange mechanism can be used. It allows you to transfer them between the databases over a network connection. To set up the universal data exchange you need to specify the 1C server and configure the connection to it.

Synchronization of data structure

The second step in configuring the data exchange is to synchronize the data structure between the accounting and management configurations. If the data structure does not match, errors and inconsistencies may occur. So make sure that the data fields in both configurations match and can be transferred without errors.

Setting up data exchange rules

The third step in setting up data exchange is to configure the exchange rules. This involves defining what data will be transferred, how often and in what format.

At this step you need to define the types of objects that will be transferred between configurations, e.g. documents, directories, etc. Furthermore, you need to define which operations will be performed when exchanging data, e.g. adding, updating or deleting data. It is also important to define the order of data transfer and set the relevant rules.

Creating data exchange templates

The fourth step is to create data exchange templates. Templates allow you to define the data transfer format to be used when exchanging between configurations. Templates can be created using the tools of universal data exchange in 1C.

Testing and debugging the data exchange

The last step in setting up the data exchange is the testing and debugging of the exchange. You must make sure that the exchange process is error-free and that the data is transmitted correctly. This can be done by using test data and performing several exchanges between configurations. If errors occur then you need to debug and correct the problems.

It is important to remember that setting up the correct data exchange between the 1C configurations is an important step to ensure data integrity in the company. So you should pay enough attention to this process and perform all the necessary steps to configure data exchange between accounting and management configurations, according to the rules of exchange 1C.

The best thing to entrust such operations to qualified professionals who can help select objects for exchange and do a quality job setting up data exchange between configurations 1C. The exchange between Accounting and Company Management can be ordered by leaving a request on our website or by calling: 068158258