Fitness competition

Fitness and healthy lifestyle are two stable trends in recent years. But visiting the hall isn't available to everyone. For some it is expensive, others do not have enough time, others live far from the hall, and there are people who are simply embarrassed to go there.

But there is also an alternative for all these categories of people - fitness contests and fitness applications. The point is that in one application, exercises and nutrition programmes are available for users, a social network and an online store. The proper progress and execution of exercises shall be monitored from distance by instructors.

And if we add a competitive element to this mechanism, for example, awards for participants achieving the best results, then we get a popular product - fitness contests.

Learn more about how fitness contests work

Users pay for a subscription on a regular basis. They receive a programme of exercises that is tailored to targets, fitness levels and many others.

The users of the application execute the program and post the video in their personal account, and instructors follow these videos, verify the fairness of execution, and adjust the program if needed.

Every month, participants post a photo of their forms “before” and “after”. The winners shall be determined by a general vote. They receive valuable (often monetary) awards.

In fitness contests, the additional functionality of social networks is usually implemented, increasing users' loyalty and creating a community of ordinary users around the project.

Also in the Le Seche ( fitness contest, which we developed for a customer on the French market, a small online shop featuring sports articles and sports nutrition was implemented. It has become an additional source of money generation for the project.

It is a convenient alternative for classical fitness forms, which grew in 2020 when sports halls were closed due to quarantine restrictions. This growing market is not occupied on both the global and local markets, and now is an excellent moment to open your project in this niche.

And we can help you with that. Moreover, we have experience in developing, launching and promoting such projects.

Get a free consultation from our specialists on how to implement your fitness contest idea. To do that, you just have to place a request on our website.