5 signs that it's time to make a change to your landing page

A landing page is the calling card of your business in the online world. It is the user's first contact with your company and can significantly influence their decision to co-operate with you or leave for your competitors. That's why it's important to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your landing page and not miss the signs that indicate the need for changes. Let's take a look at five signs that indicate it's time to update your landing page.

1.Low conversion rate

The main indicator of a landing page's effectiveness is conversion - the percentage of visitors who completed the action you want, such as leaving contact details or making a purchase. A consistently low conversion rate on your landing page is a signal to reconsider it. Perhaps your offer doesn't meet the needs of your target audience or the design and structure of the page is ineffective.

2.Outdated design

Web design changes quickly, and a landing page that looked modern a few years ago may already seem outdated. If your landing page has an outdated design, it can scare away visitors and give a negative impression of your company. Pay attention to current design trends and compare them to your lending site. If there's a gap, it's time to think about updating it.

3.Poor adaptability for mobile devices

With more and more users using mobile devices to access the internet, it's important to have a landing page that adapts well to different screens. If your landing page doesn't display properly on smartphones or tablets, it can be annoying to users and lead to a loss of potential customers. Make sure your landing page has a responsive design and that it displays correctly on all devices.

4.Low page load speed

Page load speed makes a huge difference to user experience. If your landing page is slow to load, it can cause visitors to leave before they see your offer. Check the loading speed of your landing page using special tools and analyse the results. If the loading time exceeds the recommended values, you should take measures to optimise and speed up the page.

5.Lack of relevant information

A landing page should contain relevant and useful information for visitors. If your landing page offers outdated data, irrelevant promotions or does not keep up with the latest changes in your business, it can cause distrust among users. Constantly update the information on your landing page, including current prices, new products or services, customer testimonials, and other relevant information.

While tweaking an existing landing page can be an effective way to improve its performance, there are cases where starting from scratch and creating a new one will be a decision that makes more sense. Here are a few such cases:

  1. Outdated tech stack: If your current website is built on outdated or inefficient technology and refining it may require too much time and resources, creating a new website using modern tools and technology may be a smarter solution. This will help ensure faster and more efficient development, as well as improve the performance and security of your new landing page.
  2. Low degree of targeting: If your current landing page is not specific enough to your target audience, it may be limited in its refinement. Perhaps your business or target audience has changed and you need a new landing page that better matches your current target group. Creating a new landing page will allow you to better tailor it to your audience's needs and expectations.
  3. Unclear or unattractive brand uniqueness: If your current branding is ineffective in reflecting your brand's uniqueness or doesn't attract and hold users' attention, refining it may not be enough. Creating a new landing page will give you the opportunity to rethink your brand concept, develop an eye-catching design, and create a strong impression of your company with visitors.
  4. Significant changes in your business model or offering: If your business has changed and you are offering new products, services or customer interaction models, then you need to update your landing page to reflect these changes. In such cases, creating a new landing page may be the best option as it will allow you to completely rearrange the structure and presentation of information on the page to best convey your business' new offering.
  5. Damaged or unusable architecture: If your current landing page has a weak or improperly designed architecture that makes it difficult to refine and optimise, creating a new landing page may be unavoidable. The right architecture of a landing page is important for it to work effectively, including navigation, page structure, element layout, etc. If your current landing page has fundamental problems with its architecture, starting from scratch is the most effective solution.

In the end, the decision to refine or create a new landing page depends on your specific situation and the needs of your business. If you are faced with an outdated tech stack, insufficient targeting, an unattractive brand identity, significant business changes, or a damaged architecture, creating a new landing page may be a more feasible solution to ensure optimal efficiency and effectiveness of your online presence.